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Easiermongo is a simple Node.js library for begginers with MongoDB

It has a very object-oriented approach which makes your code cleaner and easier to read. The main goals of this library is not 100% cover the MongoDB API but instead cover in the easiest way possible the basics.

Getting Started

Open a connection to your database.

const { MongoClient } = require('easiermongo');
const client = new MongoClient({ uri: 'your-uri-here' });

client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`Connected to ${client.database.name}!`);

There are two ways to register a schema, adding them manually or adding them via the file system.

Register manually
const { SchemaBuilder } = require('easiermongo');

const mySchema = new SchemaBuilder()
.addField(field => field.setName('myField').setType('STRING'))
.addField(field => field.setName('mySecondField').setType('NUMBER').setDefault(0))
//Register your schema
client.database.schemas.addSchema('mySchemaName', mySchema);
Register via the file system
Download this example.

Once connected and your schemas are registered you may start performing actions
const mySchema = client.database.schemas.collection.get('your-schema-name').model;
//You may also get your schema like this: const mySchema = client.database.schemas.SCHEMA_NAME_HERE;
const result = await mySchema.get('some-id');

Click here to download the first example and click here for the example using the file system.

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